由於天氣實在太熱,回程時我先跑去隔鄰小路裡的柑仔店買了罐加鹽沙士。而我以外的顧客就是幾位身穿淺藍色工作服的外籍移工,一名移工用手指了指本身胸前口袋裡的菸盒、再指一指櫃台後面的菸櫃;小媽媽闇練地抽出兩包七星,結完帳,兩人半惡作劇地用各自的聲調互道:「thank you」。
the wu family ancestral homestead is located on jiankang street. in order to get to it翻譯社 one must drive down jianye road, through dafa industrial park and then make a right on to heti road. it is located in the neighborhood on the right hand side of the chaoliao community. the homestead is a traditional single level home with an eye-catching, landscape mural on its back wall. it can also be identified by a wooden tablet hanging on the garden entrance with "wu family ancestral homestead" carved in traditional chinese characters on it.
in 2010翻譯社 the wu family ancestral homestead was remodeled and became part of a cultural park that was opened to the public. the movie wonderful wedding featuring famous taiwanese comedian sie you-jhen, aka "jhu ge liang" was also shot there. many movie posters and memorabilia have been hung inside the homestead. the movie certainly brought great honor to the neighborhood.
原來拿著相機四周抓拍的萬國翻譯社早就引發了他們的討論,感覺好奇又新鮮的他們正圍在車旁議論紛纭翻譯我向他們解釋來意,說自己正為了手邊的文章走訪幾座古厝翻譯此中一位阿嬤熱心的說隔幾條巷子的阿財家也是老厝,建議我曩昔看看。於是幾位尊長爭辯了起來,佈滿元氣、滄桑的嗓音叫醒了整條午睡中的健康街 。
the two brothers were also of different faiths and therefore the designs of their compounds reflected this. the older brother was taoist, whereas the third brother was christian. in wu gong's home hanging from a beam in the main hall was a wooden slab, carved with the phrase "god is kindness, god is love". there were also christian couplets hanging on both sides of the door and a poster depicting the origins of christianity.
【◎english translation: peng hsin-yi ◎photo by jhou shu-jheng】
wu family ancestral homestead is typical of minnan architecture that originated in southern fujian province, china. the property actually consists of two three-section compounds, which were built side by side. this was because in 1936, the wu family decided to separate their households. the oldest son翻譯社 wu fa-ming then moved into the front compound翻譯社 with his younger brother wu gong, the family's third son, living in the back. this reflects chinese family tradition翻譯社 where living quarters are determined by age and subsequent seniority. the two brothers built the two compounds themselves and gave the living quarters a unique design. these included a mosaic on the roof, decorative installations along the eaves trough and delicate carvings along the wooden windows.
本文來自: https://udn.com/news/story/6967/2006051有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢萬國翻譯社