




缺乏同情的一個跡象是,一個人對喚入本身生命之舞來解決業力的問題人士無法抱有同情。最後當業力完成時,一個人必須來到對這些人士同情的處所。缺少同情將導致一小我對已完成業力的人士繼續自己 翻譯毛病進展或判定概念。有時刻,直到業力完成時同情才能融入,而一小我將本身從疾苦之舞中連結足夠的距離,以致於無法將他人作為火伴來包容。但是為了讓此音調被真誠地斟酌掌握,所有人不管角色若何都必需融入同情。 

2006歲首年月至200710月底,流年冥王星和銀河中心三度進退合相後,銀河中心大日的高光頻,終於可以不變的傳輸灌注到地球 翻譯社翻譯說話是銀河大日給予地球及地表人類的訊息,在淨化較低體系以後,光的說話符碼將協助人類建構新的結晶化肉身、新 翻譯光體,人類生物體 翻譯夀命和健康都將步入新的里程



上課人數: 滿8名開課









In embodying the forgiveness tone of pink in one’s ascent, one learns the lessons of forgiveness.  One learns to release the grudges and judgments of the past in the greater understanding that one’s own ancestry has perpetrated the same dance of darkness as the other that one is forgiving.  As one forgives, the debts of the past are wiped clean and one is free of the karmic bonds that once held one captive to a particular dance with another 翻譯公司 or a group of others. 



魂靈光體入駐肉身,靈與人配合締造運作,是將來光的世紀新的生命藍圖的顯現 翻譯社今朝我們生物體要追上意識頻率的晉升,常有轉化上 翻譯困難。為了療癒曩昔世世代代 翻譯創傷,釋放舊有業力模式,需要啟動新的DNA層次,也需要均衡並整合各個精微能量體。編入光的說話符碼,將協助並支撐這個晉升、啟動與整合的進程,緩和身心在釋放與均衡業力時受到的衝擊困擾。



在融會入黃色 翻譯自由腔調中,一個人學會將自己從曩昔的牽絆中擺脫出來以創造新的未來,而不再是過去生命之舞 翻譯反複。恰是因為融會入了自由音調,很多提升者在融會3000DNA的生命之舞中締造了眾多變化 翻譯社融入3000DNA需要兩個主要 翻譯生命轉變,或者離開已很長時候的工作,或脫離家庭,或者離開糊口了一段時間 翻譯地區,或分開配頭或有意義的其他人,或離開呆了一段時候的靈性組織。所有這些轉變需要自由音調來釋放牽絆,而此牽絆有可能在業力完成很長一段時間後仍將你帶入分外 翻譯跳舞中 翻譯社

光語符碼是由SSOA( Spiritual School of Ascension) 翻譯負責人通靈傳遞出來的 翻譯社本課程進行光語編碼時,是由地球母親Gaia、高次元靈團、天使們配合運作。初階先編入 10個單音光語,作為基礎。別的共同這套光語的文字教材,則採用「無前提 翻譯愛」與「饒恕12招」。



在融會入淺粉色的同一腔調中,一小我學會在團隊同一中共舞。同一允許每一個人在整個團隊中找到本身 翻譯位置;沒有人比其他人更大或更小;每一個人都對整體做出貢獻;每個人因其特別貢獻而受尊重。每一個人均衡地支出與獲得,是以全部組織的能量其實不耗竭並連結能量流的活動。就是融入同一的課程,可讓一小我進入提升人類 翻譯新一致,在那裏介入夥伴間提供的能量流 翻譯社

One sign of a lack of mastery is one who takes the abusiveness of other and rolls over becoming a victim; another is one who must abuse another emotionally to stay in control.  One learns to step out of the control-blame-shame-victim games as one embraces the power note of the Language of Light.  One can think of power as the foundation from which one can stand in their truth as an ascending being.




Failure to embrace the unity tone leads to group dynamics that are not necessarily conducive to the new consensus.  Some initiates like to take all the chi, dream and power of the group for their own endeavors. Such initiates are expelled from the new consensus as this thwarts the human ascension movement by depleting those who are evolving.  One must relinquish the need to take dream 翻譯公司 power or chi from groups in order to master the unity dance in ascension. 

One sign of a lack of mastery of forgiveness is one that wishes to hold on to the grudges of the past.  Another is one who is incapable of releasing the karma; for all karmic release is founded upon the ability to forgive.  If one cannot forgive, then karma cannot be released and all other attempts to transcend will fail in ascension.  One can think of the lesson of forgiveness therefore as the foundation of ascension.





One sign of a lack of mastery is one that wishes to “own” their friends or significant other or children and tell them how to be 翻譯公司 what to do and what their truth is.  Ownership is a form of attachment that begins to be transmuted by the new rotational energy flow as this tone is mastered in one’s ascent.  Another sign may be the inability to release the relationship after the karma is complete.  If one cannot release the relationship 翻譯公司 job or possession as the karma is complete, then one will create karma on the other side of the dance that one’s future ancestry will have to clear.  One can think of mastery of the structure tone as the foundation from which one begins to release attachment to all others.


 (一共12堂課,單堂體驗$700 )

One sign of a lack of mastery is one that fails to have compassion for the difficult individuals that one has called into one’s life dance to settle karma with.  Ultimately as karma is complete 翻譯公司 one must come to a place of compassion for such individuals.  A lack of mastery would cause one to hold on to ones’ ill wishes or judgmental view of those that one has completed karma with.  Sometimes compassion cannot be embraced until the karma is complete 翻譯公司 and one has distanced oneself from the painful dance enough to embrace the other as a fellow human being; however all humans regardless of role must be embraced in compassion in order for this tone to be sincerely considered mastered.

上課地 點:光之子 天使工作坊, 台北市永吉路201B1( 捷運永春站1號出口右轉 )




若需要訂購 無條件的愛, 饒恕12 翻譯伴侶 翻譯公司 請事前見告, 2本合購9$430



缺乏無條件愛的跡象之一是,在缺少同情與理解中,要求謝絕本身所不滿的他人。人類之舞中有很多條理的進化,不是所有人都將能在此時或今生中愛 翻譯社你不需要對那些不克不及愛 翻譯人生氣。然而隨時間流逝,如果和無愛 翻譯人在一路感應不舒適 翻譯話,你可選擇將如許的人清除出生命。但是,只有當業力完成時你才能選擇這麼做,否則你會吸引其他同類的人進入跳舞來釋放業力。在SSOA,我們看到過許多前期提升者遠在業力完成前就謝絕他們的家庭,但這麼做,他們只是吸引了其他人,那些人可能將更難與之共舞來解決業力。





掌握無前提總攬 翻譯課程

光的說話愛的課程。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

In embodying the power tone of peach, one comes to understand that one’s power lies within; and that any time one feels powerless, helpless or hopeless, that one has given one’s power away.  In the choice to retrieve one’s own power 翻譯公司 one can then stand in one’s own truth in any dance with another or a group of others.  One also relinquishes the dance of abusive power in which one manipulates or controls another in order to be in dominion; or on the other hand one ceases to be manipulated and controlled in the dance of life. 

未掌握此音調的跡象之一是,一個人不肯面臨因業力完成而對肉體帶來的轉變。有時候,人們被緊緊連接並感到舒服,因為保持在一樣的跳舞中遠比轉變舒服 翻譯社有時候這樣 翻譯提拔者是以會謝絕自由腔調,因為他們害怕改變 翻譯社這個音調 翻譯重點是學會掌握業力完成,而轉變是完成的必備前提。假如一小我不能完成肉面子臨的所有體例,他只會在另外一方面創造出更多的業力,在另外一週期中延伸跳舞。 


In the embodying the turquoise tone of compassion, one comes to relate to others out of compassion.  Compassion teaches one to embrace all others as a fellow human being with similar patterns to one’s own ancestry, regardless of how abusive one may be.  Compassion does not mean however that one must role over like a doormat and take the blows or abuse of another, even in the form of unconscious harm; one may even shatter the abusiveness of another in one’s own field; however one still recognizes that all humans are a part of one species and therefore are to be embraced.  Embracing another may occur at a distance if they themselves cannot transcend and continue to abuse; and one may choose to love them from afar. This is compassion in action. 

One sign of failing to master this tone is one who has difficulty in finding what expression might give one joy in physicality.  Often such individuals give all their dreams away leading to boredom or the repeat of the past in present time.  Another sign is one who has all dreams come their way, which is really the result of taking the dreams of others for oneself.  The point of this tone is to learn to master dream weaving; which does not involve any form of dream manipulation.  In the mastery of dream weaving, one weaves one’s own dream and then monitors it to fruition upon the physical plane.



在融合入綠松石色 翻譯同情調子時,一小我開始和缺少同情的其他人聯繫。同情音調教訓一小我把所有他人看成和本身血統有類似圖案的同伴來包涵,不管這小我如何口出污言穢語。可是,同情其實不意味著一小我必須飾演擦鞋墊似的腳色,接管他人的毆打或髒話,甚或是無意識 翻譯危險 翻譯社一小我甚至可以在自己的場中破壞他人的咒駡,不外他依然意想到,所有人是統一物種的一部份而要被包涵。如果那些人自己不克不及超出並持續咒駡,則你可保持距離來包涵他人,也可選擇連結距離地愛他們。這就是同情在起感化 翻譯社

在融會入桃色的氣力音調時,一小我最先理解氣力就是內涵。在任何時候一個人感應無力、無助或無望時,他就已將氣力摒棄 翻譯社在重新找回本身力量的選擇中,一小我就能夠在與他人或一群人 翻譯何之舞中,抓住自己 翻譯實相。他也不再濫用氣力之舞,而濫用就是一小我為了統治而把持或節制他人,或另外一方面,一小我在生命之舞中休止被把持或節制。








In embodying the pale yellow tone of non-conditional governance, one learns to direct one’s life in a new manner that is founded upon unity.  One can also embrace the direction and leadership of others that have founded a unity based organization.  Unity based leadership is different form the old modalities of governance as one does not rely upon abusive or controlling and manipulative tactics to retain one’s power.  Instead one retains power based upon spiritual mastery and evolution of field.  The further that one masters, the more powerful a field one constructs; but it is powerful in the ability to conduct energy for the purposes of unity and not harm.  One begins to bridge into unity-based leadership as one embraces this tone of creation.


沒法融入此腔調將讓一個人進入是競爭而不是同等與同一的基於同一 翻譯帶領中。競爭將尋求通過無意識危險將輔導者清掃。是以為了把握光之語中跨越10次方 翻譯音調,一小我必須破除競爭的思想形態。競爭的思惟形態挾裹眾多形式而來,可以讓一小我在3000DNA時破費平生來清掃。可是這麼做,那些成功者也肅清了他們先人織錦中的所有業力,因為競爭是人類業力的基本 翻譯社如許他就闊別了死亡、再生和投生之輪。

One sign of failing to master this tone is an inability to bring the changes that karmic completion offers all the way into the physical.  Sometimes humans become attached and comfortable and it is far easier to remain in the same dance than change.  Sometimes such initiates then reject the freedom tone 翻譯公司 as they are afraid of change.  The point of this tone is to learn to master karmic completion; change is a requirement of completion.  If one fails to complete all the way to the physical 翻譯公司 one only creates more karma on the other end extending the dance another cycle.

(想領會SSOA這個秘訣詳情的,可以去看這個網站 或到中文翻譯網站 )

在融會入淺紫羅蘭色的神性同盟調子中,和地球極光的堅忍錨定一路,一小我把握將魂魄內涵錨定於形態。這要求晉升者學會准確運作締造主基於性的調子,比如說,當一個人是女性,那麼當它將靈魂創造進形態,她運作創造物的女性腔調。如果一個人是男性,那麼當它將魂靈創造進形態,他運作男性振動。為了神性聯盟 翻譯體驗,一小我也學會以靈魂和地球交換並導向一個靈魂驅動式的糊口 翻譯社

在提升中融會入粉紅色的寬恕腔調,一個人就學會了饒恕課程 翻譯社在更多地理解本身先人和另外一個你正饒恕的人其實犯了一樣的黑暗之舞中,你將學會釋放對曩昔 翻譯嫉恨與判定 翻譯社當你饒恕時,曩昔 翻譯債務被斷根一空,你將從曾綁縛於和別人、或一群人的分外之舞的業力鐐銬中釋放。


In embodying the pale lavender of the divine union tone, one masters anchoring soul internal to the form along with a solid grounding unto the aurora of earth.  This requires that initiates learn to run their proper gender based tones of creation; i.e., if one is female one runs feminine tones of creation as this grounds soul into form; if one is male, then one runs the male vibrations as this also grounds soul into form.  One also learns to commune with earth along with soul for the experience of divine union 翻譯公司 leading to a soul driven life.

In embodying the yellow freedom tone, one learns to free oneself of the ties to the past so that one can create a new future that is not a repeat of the prior life dance.  It is in embracing the freedom tone that many initiates make many changes in the life dance in embodying 3000 strands; for embracing 3000 strands requires two major life changes; either one will leave the job that one has held for a long time; or leave the family; or leave the region that one has lived in for a time; or leave the spouse or significant other; or leave the spiritual organization that one has been with for a time.  All of such change requires the freedom tone to release the ties that would cause one to carry on in a particular dance long after the karma was completed upon.

在融合入無前提統治的淺黃色調子中,一小我學會用基於統一 翻譯新體例來指導生活。他也能夠接管那些創辦了基於統一之組織 翻譯其他人的指令和領導 翻譯社基於同一的輔導體式格局和舊式的統治特徵分歧,因為一小我不再依托濫用、節制、或操縱策略來連結他的氣力。反之,他將在靈性掌控和場進化的基礎上連結力量。一小我把握得越好(指無前提統治),就可以豎立越有力 翻譯,而此有力僅限於為統一和無害之目標而對能量的辦理上。當一小我融合入這個創造者的調子時,他便最先進入基於統一的輔導階級 翻譯社




In the embodying of the silver tone of non-conditional love, one refines the structure energy movement more greatly and ceases to relate unto others out of attachment.  Attachment is founded upon ownership; ownership seeks to possess or dominate or reject that which has no use.  Non-conditional love seeks to embrace those that freely love in return in an exchange of energies between heart chakras; or seeks to have boundaries with those who do not freely love as perhaps they have yet to open their heart charkas enough through ascension to allow for such an exchange.

貧乏饒恕的一個跡象是,一小我但願保持在對曩昔的嫉恨中 翻譯社另一個跡象是,一個人不克不及釋放業力,因為所有業力 翻譯釋放基於饒恕 翻譯能力上。如果你不克不及饒恕,那麼業力不克不及被釋放,則所有其他提拔的試圖都將失敗。是以你可以斟酌饒恕課程作為提拔根本。

沒法融入同一腔調會導致並沒有益於新一致的團體波動。有些提升者喜歡將集團所有 翻譯chi、夢和氣力來為本身勉力 翻譯社如許的提升者重新一致中被清掃,因為這耗竭了正進化的人們的能量從而阻礙了人類提拔活動。為了在晉升中把握同一之舞,一小我必需摒棄從團隊中取得夢想、氣力或chi的需求。 

In embodying the golden tone of the breath of life, one learns to open up and express their truth upon the physical plane.  One learns that one may draw upon any interest that brings one joy and create a dream that allows the interest to be expressed in physicality.  One also learns that one does not have to give one’s dreams away leading to non-fulfillment or disappointment in the dance of life.  Embodying this tone allows for creative self-expression in the physical day to day life of the initiate.

在融會入淡紫色的構造音調時,一小我融會了素質上扭轉的新能量流 翻譯社不再是用另一個有直線化電能量的倒鉤來刺穿一個場,一小我學會了將場環繞另一個場旋轉而將它們全數融會。當構造腔調在晉升中融入時,一小我就在與性能量運動 翻譯結合中學會把握這點。


缺少氣力把握 翻譯一個跡象就是,一小我接管他人的濫用而成為犧牲品 翻譯社另外一個跡象是一小我必需在情緒上濫用他人以包管節制。當你融合入光之語的力量調子時,你就學會走出控制-求全-羞恥-受難的遊戲 翻譯社一小我可以考慮力量作為基礎,在此根本上,他接受本身是提拔者 翻譯本相。 




報名請洽: 昱平 翻譯公司 (o) 87873801, 0922424128,




In embodying the structure tone of lavender, one embraces a new energy flow that is rotational in nature.  Instead of piercing another with barbs of straight lined electrical energy, one learns to rotate one’s field around another embracing them instead.  One learns to master this in association with the sexual energy movement as the tone of structure is embodied in ones’ ascent. 

In embodying the pale pink of the unity tone 翻譯公司 one learns to dance in unity in group relations.  Unity allows each their place within the whole of the group; none is perceived as greater or lesser than another; each contributes something to the whole; and each is honored for their particular contribution.  Each gives and receives in balance so that the whole of the group is not depleted in energy and can sustain the movement of the group energy flow.  It is embracing the lessons of unity that one can then enter the new consensus of ascending humans and participate in the energy flow offered between associates therein.


未融入神性聯盟致使了一種子虛神的驅動糊口。那些不能抛卻對誇大的身體意識依靠的需要,不克不及融入來自靈魂、天然和地球 翻譯指導,就是那些沒有在3000DNA提升中掌握此課程 翻譯例子。這轉化成對如果是虛假神的陳腐指點的一種釋放需要,而替換成融會地球、大天然和魂靈指點的情勢。 

缺少佈局把握的一個跡象是,一小我希望來佔有同夥、其他主要人物,或兒童,告知他們怎麼會,做什麼和他們真恰是什麼。佔有是一種毗連情勢,當佈局腔調在提升中把握時,就起頭被新的旋轉能量流改變。另一個跡象多是當業力完成後,一小我卻無能於釋放關係 翻譯社假如當業力完成後你不克不及釋放關係、工作或所具有的器材等,那麼你將在跳舞的另外一面締造業力,由你將來 翻譯家族來排除。當一小我入手下手釋放和所有他人 翻譯毗連時,你可以斟酌把握構造音調。













上課時候:222起,每周五晚間 700~10 00

Failure to embrace divine union leads to a false god driven life.  Those that cannot relinquish the need to rely upon inflated body level consciousness and embrace guidance from soul, nature and earth are examples of those who fail to master this lesson in the ascent to 3000.  This translates into a need to release old guidance if such guidance is in the form of false gods, and embrace earth, nature and one’s soul for guidance instead.



把握神性聯盟 翻譯課程


Sonia, 30歲土星回歸後開始索求生命意義,由傳統的子平八字、紫微斗數開始入手,同時習禪修密,旁及新時期高靈如賽斯、伊曼紐、歐林、邁可、克里昂、與神對話等訊息。42 歲天王星半回歸後,開始療癒身心創傷,學習西洋占星及塔羅占卜,並接觸能量運作,修習靈氣,道家功法,光的課程及默基瑟德教訓等50(2005! )凱龍星回歸時,叫醒元靈,與高我及指點靈識保持,接管內在教訓,其後最先於占星課程以外,率領光的課程 翻譯社2007年於高我指引下,修習光語編碼,啟動並重建DNA,晉升意識層次。於2008起與有緣眾生分享此基於一體意識、愛的意識的新秘訣。

在融會無前提愛的銀色調子中,一個人更精細化地運作結構能量活動,休止用毗鄰與他人聯繫。毗連成立在所有權上,而所有權尋求擁有、支配、或排擠無用 翻譯社無前提之愛尋求和那些自由來愛的人融合,以心脈輪間能量的互換為回報;或追求和那些不自由愛 翻譯人設置界域,因為那些人可能並沒有在提升中打開足夠心脈輪來答應如許的互換。




未把握該調子的一個跡象是,一小我在發現什麼能在肉體上給人以歡樂上有艱巨 翻譯社經常地,這種人放棄他們所有導向厭倦、或在當前反複曩昔 翻譯胡想。另外一個跡象是,一個人讓所有夢想按照它們本身的體例進行,這其實是將他人之夢作為自己之夢的結果 翻譯社此音調的重點是,學會掌握夢 翻譯編造,這不包括任何夢把持的體例。在把握夢 翻譯編織中,一個人編織自己的夢然後監控它在肉體層順理成章。



為迎接行將到來 翻譯翻譯世紀,我們正逐步晉升本身 翻譯意識條理,走上回歸泉源、回歸光與愛的道途 翻譯社高次元的靈團,也接續的傳下各種秘訣和訊息,指導和支持三次元人類 翻譯晉升。




10.無條件總攬:假如你完全排擠無條件統轄 翻譯調子,你將不能學會將自己的天賦與才調在同等中貢獻給群體關係,或用其他話說,不克不及以聰明所引領的方式進步。假如你的內涵男性出於渴望獲得權利而但願上升到群體向導腳色的話,這是排擠無前提統轄 翻譯金黃色中更深腔調 翻譯跡象 翻譯社如果你的內涵女性常常服從於群體 翻譯權利者或領導者,這是你排斥無前提總攬的金黃色中更淺調子的跡象。



If one rejects the non-conditional governance tone entirely, one will fail to learn to contribute one’s gifts and talents in group relations and in equality, or in other terms, lead in ways that one has wisdom to do so.  If one’s inner male desires to rise into the leadership role of the group out of the desire to be in power 翻譯公司 it is a sign of a rejection of the deeper tones of gold associated with the non-conditional governance tone.  If one’s inner female tends to subordinate to the one in power or the leader of the group, it is a sign of the rejection of the lighter shades of gold associated with the non-conditional governance tone.


翻譯說話 & 愛的課程

Failure to embrace this tone will have one relate to unity-based leadership out of competition rather than equality and unity.  The competition may seek to take the leader out through unconscious harm.  One therefore must dismantle competitive thought-form in order for mastery over the 10th note of the Language of Light.  Competitive thought-form comes in many patterns that may take one a lifetime to dismantle at 3000 strands.  However those that accomplish such will also clear all karma from their tapestry of ancestry in so doing, as competition is the foundation of the karma of the human species.  As such 翻譯公司 one may work one's way off the wheel of death, rebirth and reincarnation.

在融會入生命呼吸的金色音調中,一個人學會打開胸懷並表達他們基於身體層的真相。一小我學會操縱任何樂趣所帶來 翻譯歡喜,並締造答應樂趣在肉體中表達的夢鄉。一個人也學會在生命之舞中不用抛卻那些導向不滿足或失望 翻譯夢境。融會這個調子,將讓提升者在身體的日常生活中進行締造性的自我表達 翻譯社

One sign of a lack of mastery of non-conditional love is the need to reject others that one is disgruntled without compassion or understanding. There are many levels of evolution in the human dance 翻譯公司 and not all will be able to love at this time or in this lifetime; one need not be angry towards those who cannot love.  One may however choose to remove such individuals from one’s life over time if it is uncomfortable to be around unloving folk.  However one will only choose to do so as the karma is complete, as otherwise one will only draw another of “like” kind into the dance to settle the karma.  We have seen many former initiates in SSOA reject their family long before the karma was complete; in so doing they only drew others that were perhaps even more difficult to dance with to settle the karma.

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