How I've lived till now? 我是怎麼活到此刻的
原唱: Don McLean
And yes I know how lonely life can be而是的我也知道人生會是多麼地孤單
And once a page is read而一旦被讀過一頁
Your thoughts are just for me妳所想的正都是為了我
I tell them I don't know我告知他們我也不知道
作詞: Don McLean
I tell them I don't know我告知他們我也不知道
Now that you're around me如今妳在我身邊
The day you took my hand從妳牽著我的手那天開始
guess=想,猜;to take my hand=牽著我的手;to set me free=不放過我,釋放我;Now that=如今,既然;to get me down=使我低沉;to be around me=在我身邊;to bring me down=擊垮我
And yes I know how loveless life can be而是的 我知道人生會是多麼地冷酷
How lonely life has been人生是多麼寂寞
The shadows follow me暗影跟從著我
But life began again但人生又重新入手下手
And I love you so 而我是如斯愛妳
Don McLean的英文歌─And I Love You So─而我是如斯愛妳+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文進修
All but love is dead除愛一切都死絕了
That is my belief那是我所深信的
The shadows follow me暗影跟隨著我
Now that you're around me現在妳在我身邊
And I love you so而我是如此愛妳
The book of life is brief人生之書苦短
And I Love You So
作曲: Don McLean
I'm happy that you do我很努力妳那樣做
And the night won't set me free黑夜也不放過我
I guess they understand我想他們是知道的
How I've lived till now? 我是怎麼活到如今的
And you love me too而妳也愛著我
But I don't let the evening bring me down但我不會讓夜晚擊垮我
You set my spirit free妳釋放了我的魂魄
第一影片(Don McLean演唱)提供者:SiKaboAko
The people ask me how人們問我
But I don't let the evening get me down但我不會讓夜晚使我低沉
And the night won't set me free黑夜也不放過我
第二影片(Elvis Presley演唱)供應者:05vs1
The people ask me how人們問我