yon=yonder=何處;Virgin=大寫字母指聖母瑪利亞;quake=哆嗦;at the sight=看到;afar=遠處;beam=光澤;redeeming grace=贖救的膏澤
Radiant beams from Thy holy face從祢神聖面孔上以贖救的膏澤之破曉
Holy infant so tender and mild聖嬰如斯溫順及溫順
Shepherds quake at the sight牧羊人看到遠處天上一束光華
Holy infant so tender and mild聖嬰如斯溫順及暖和
刊行: 1818
Silent night, holy night! 安然夜 神聖夜
With dawn of redeeming grace 放射出光澤(倒裝句)
Glories stream from heaven afar 而顫抖著
Sinead O'Connor的英文歌─Silent night─平安夜+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習
Sleep in heavenly peace在天上安詳沉睡著
作曲: Franz Xaver Gruber
Silent night, holy night! 安然夜 神聖夜
原唱: Sinead O'Connor
Silent night
Christ the Savior is born! 救世主基督出世了
Son of God love's pure light神子的愛是貞潔的亮光
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child在聖母瑪利亞方圓 聖母和聖嬰
All is calm, all is bright一切皆太平 一切皆通亮
All is calm翻譯社 all is bright一切皆沉靜 一切皆通亮
作詞: John Freeman Young
Silent night, holy night! 安然夜 神聖夜
Silent night, holy night! 安然夜 神聖夜
Sleep in heavenly peace在天上安詳沉睡著
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth耶穌我主出世了
Round yon Virgin翻譯社 Mother and Child在聖母瑪利亞方圓 聖母和聖嬰
第一影片(Sinead O'Connor演唱)供給者:Ebenezer Marley
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia聽見天上賓客唱哈利路亞(讚美主)
Christ the Savior is born救世主基督出世了
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth耶穌我主出世了
Sleep in heavenly peace在天上安詳沉睡著
Sleep in heavenly peace在天上安詳沉睡著
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