You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band / 那姑娘是某個愛爾蘭樂團裡的小提琴手
But she fell in love with an English man / 但她卻愛上了一名英國人
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand / 我在她脖子上一吻
Said, "Baby, I just want to dance" / 並牽著她的手說:「瑰寶,我只想和你共舞翻譯」
My pretty little Galway Girl / 我最愛的高威姑娘
My翻譯社 my翻譯社 my翻譯社 my翻譯社 my, my, my Galway Girl / 我的高威姑娘
My, my, my, my, my, my, my Galway Girl / 我的高威姑娘
My, my翻譯社 my翻譯社 my翻譯社 my, my, my Galway Girl / 我的高威姑娘
4. Van On The Jukebox
8. Carrickfergus
9. Outstay one's welcome
Grafton street位於愛爾蘭首都「都柏林」當中,這是一條特別很是熱烈的大街,有很多酒吧、商鋪、咖啡店、音樂家表演等等。
She played the fiddle in an Irish band / 那姑娘是某個愛爾蘭樂團裡的小提琴手
But she fell in love with an English man / 但她卻愛上了一名英國人
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand / 我在她脖子上一吻
Said, "Baby, I just want to dance" / 並牽著她的手說:「瑰寶,我只想和你共舞。」
這裡的Van指的是Ed非常喜好的歌手Van Morrison(范莫里森)。Jukebox的意思是「點唱機」。
Gaelic的意思是用「蓋爾語」所寫的文字,而蓋爾人(Gael)首要分布在愛爾蘭南部。另外,Ed Sheeran右手臂上有刺一段蓋爾語 “Nuair is gá dom fháil bhaile, is tú mo réalt eolais”,意思為「當我想要回家的時刻,
[Verse 1]
I met her on Grafton street right outside of the bar / 我在酒吧外的街上碰見了她
She shared a cigarette with me while her brother played the guitar / 她哥哥在一旁刷著吉他 而她遞給我一支菸
She asked me what does it mean, the Gaelic ink on your arm? / 她問我手上的刺青是什麼意思
Said it was one of my friend's songs翻譯社 do you want to drink on? / 我說這是我朋侪創作的一段歌詞 想不想喝一杯呢?
She took Jamie as a chaser翻譯社 Jack for the fun / 她喝"尊美醇"解酒 喝"傑克丹尼"來助興
She got Arthur on the table with Johnny riding a shotgun / 她桌上擺著一杯"健力士" 前頭還有杯"波爾士"
Chatted some more翻譯社 one more drink at the bar / 我們聊得很和諧 在酒吧裡一杯接一杯
Then put Van on the jukebox, got up to dance / 然後點首"范莫里森"的歌曲 準備縱情舞蹈
這次是Ed Sheeran《÷》專輯歌詞翻譯第三彈〈Galway Girl〉,一首佈滿愛爾蘭風味和專著名詞的歌曲,我第一次聽到的時刻,就被這首歌的吉他、節拍感和Ed的Rap給吸引了翻譯
[Verse 3]
And now we've outstayed our welcome and it's closing time / 雖然是打烊時候 但我們卻賴著不走
I was holding her hand, her hand was holding mine / 我們手牽著手
Our coats both smell of smoke, whisky and wine / 彼此身上的外衣佈滿菸酒味
As we fill up our lungs with the cold air of the night / 當我們終於呼吸到夜晚的冷空氣
I walked her home then she took me inside / 我送她回家 而她也約請我進去
To finish some Doritos and another bottle of wine / 吃了一些零食 喝了一些酒
I swear I'm gonna put you in a song that I write / 我包管會將妳寫進我的歌裡
About a Galway Girl and a perfect night / 關於一個高威姑娘 和阿誰誇姣的夜晚
這四個字其實代表四種酒。Jamie代表一種叫Jameson(尊美醇)的愛爾蘭威士忌;Jack代表一種叫Jack Daniels(傑克丹尼)的威士忌;Arthur代表一種叫Guinness(健力士)的愛爾蘭啤酒;而Johnny代表一種叫Powers(波爾士)的愛爾蘭威士忌。
7. Céilidh
6. Last Orders
You know, she played the fiddle in an Irish band / 那姑娘是某個愛爾蘭樂團裡的小提琴手
But she fell in love with an English man / 但她卻愛上了一位英國人
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand / 我在她脖子上一吻
Said, "Baby, I just want to dance" / 並牽著她的手說:「瑰寶,我只想和
With my pretty little Galway Girl / 和我漂亮的高威姑娘共舞
You're my pretty little Galway Girl / 妳是我最愛的高威姑娘
She played the fiddle in an Irish band / 那姑娘是某個愛爾蘭樂團裡的小提琴手
But she fell in love with an English man / 但她卻愛上了一位英國人
Kissed her on the neck and then I took her by the hand / 我在她脖子上一吻
Said, "Baby, I just want to dance" / 並牽著她的手說:「瑰寶,我只想和你共舞。」
My pretty little Galway Girl / 我最愛的高威姑娘
My, my, my, my翻譯社 my翻譯社 my翻譯社 my Galway Girl / 我的高威姑娘
My翻譯社 my, my, my, my, my翻譯社 my Galway Girl / 我的高威姑娘
My, my, my, my, my, my翻譯社 my Galway Girl / 我的高威姑娘
5. Galway
2. Gaelic Ink
1. Grafton Street
[Verse 2]
You know she beat me at darts and then she beat me at pool / 無論比射飛鏢照樣撞球 我都輸給了她
And then she kissed me like there was nobody else in the room / 然後她旁若無人似地和我擁吻
As last orders were called was when she stood on the stool / 我點了最後幾杯酒 那時她正站在凳上起舞
After dancing to céilidh singing to trad tunes / 直到她隨音樂起舞 隨民謠吟唱
I never heard Carrickfergus ever sung so sweet / 我從沒聽過有人可以把民謠唱得那麼甜蜜
Acapella in the bar using her feet for a beat / 她用腳打著節奏 和各人合音歡唱
Oh, I could have that voice playing on repeat for a week / 喔~如許的聲音我即使聽上整整一週都不會膩
And in this packed out room swear she was singing to me / 酒吧裡無人不醉 我敢包管她一定是為我而唱
3. Jamie翻譯社 Jack, Arthur & Johnny
以下內文出自: http://dojoralin0609.pixnet.net/blog/post/340215873-%5B%E6%AD%8C%E8%A9%9E%E7%BF%BB%E8%AD%AF%5Ded-she有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯公司02-23690932