
英文翻譯 文章發表後即代表您已浏覽過置底的 板務規範 和 發文規範翻譯 以下各項 ◎ 欄位為必填,請確實填寫; 各項 ⊙ 欄位為選填,請按需求填寫。 違背者第一次刪除,第二次水桶,三次以上退文 水桶措置。 徵才發佈後不得以任何來由「暗裏排除徵才內容」,如有需要請向板務申請。 發文前以上文字請按 加 刪除萬國翻譯社已浏覽過置底的 板務規範 和 發文規範:是 ◎公司徵才: (以下所有欄位均為必填,若為個人徵才此項免填,並請刪除此項目) 公司名稱:orion's reverie    公司統編:    公司地址:    公司德律風: 聯系方式:[email protected] (HR) 公司網址: ◎徵求刻日:徵到為止 ◎工作內容描述: 翻譯公司好,我們是orion's reverie,為一間雲端工作室,首要營業是開發PC\手機\平台遊戲,利用網路工作 這次徵求兩個職缺,劃分是遊戲營銷與英日翻譯,合約一年一簽,優先徵求能恒久配合的 工作者 Marketing Planner (Game Company翻譯社 Full time, Part time or Freelancer) Responsibilities: * Develop and implement marketing programs and promotional campaigns * Help contact professional cooperation partners in the gaming and animation field * Prepare presentations for the marketing advertising and investors * Help manage, advise and evaluate all social media platforms Requirements: * Degree or above in Marketing, Communications翻譯社 Business Administration or related discipline; * 2 years or above relevant experience, preferably gained in Game Industry; * Knowledge in Social Media promotion and Game Market would be an advantage; * Good command of written and spoken English is a must; * Can work under pressure, punctual and sociable. * Enjoy playing games and watching animation!? Remarks: * Home Office, you have to work online with team members from all around the world. * Qatari public holidays. * 3 weeks annual leave for full time positions. ------ (首要徵求熟習日文商用翻譯的人,英文可筆談即可) English to Japanese Translator (Game Company翻譯社 Freelance or Part time) Responsibilities: * Translate game dialogue from English to Japanese and vice versa * Provide interpretations to Japanese professionals in gaming and animation field? Requirements: * Degree holder, preferably in translation/ language and related disciplines * Excellent command of written & spoken English & Japanese * Knowledge in game and animation industry would be an advantage * Enjoy playing games and watching animation!? Remarks: * Home Office, you have to work online with team members from all around the world. * Qatari public holidays. ◎徵求前提:寫在上面 ◎交件時間:無 ◎案件預算: 全職月薪6000qar折合台幣約48k,兼職薪資程度與全職不異依工作時數領薪資,freelance以件計價個別會商 全兼職工作時間根基上為週日至週四1400-2200,如有時間調劑需求請自行爭取,工作法 規/休假/加班費遵照卡達勞基法 ◎酬勞時薪試算:全兼職時薪約300元,freelance依照公司過去發案環境絕對超過300元 (商品上架(小輔佐)、文章寫手、時薪教學、翻譯、營業等案件,此欄位可略過) (最低酬勞高於 5000,或一次多件,單件最低酬勞高於 3000 時,此欄位可略過) (填寫範例請參考 ) (若您對您的案件類型若何試算有所疑問,請來信予板務扣問翻譯) 此案件前置作業評估所需時候為:小時(包含會議、溝通、准備、提案、確認等) 此案件現實執行評估所需時候為:小時(包含履行、異動、點竄、各層級確認等) 此案件總評估時間為:小時,換算時薪為:元/小時 (如時薪低於 133,您已違背勞基法最低薪資,請勿在此發表) (如時薪低於 230,建議轉至 PT 板頒發) ◎酬勞發放日:全兼職每月10號前,freelancer可和談先拿酬勞或了案後一個月內給 ◎是不是回應所有來信:否 ◎是否需要開立發票:否 ◎是不是有試稿(比稿)階段:否 ⊙理想接案對象:全兼職工作者需求便宜能力強 ⊙備註: 來信(email)請於標題填寫應徵什麼職缺,全職/兼職/freelance 我們合作體例很自由所以把全職/兼職/freelance選項都寫出來,如有任何不當地方請告 知,極度感謝


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