1. 「人只有效本身的心才能看清事物,真正主要的器械用眼睛是看不到的。」(One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.)
2. 「我彷佛,不想長大了⋯⋯問題不在於長大,在於你忘了本身曾經是個小孩。」(I'm not so sure I wanna grow up anymore. Growing up is not the problem, forgetting is!)
3. 「如果你馴養了我,我們將會彼此需要翻譯對我而言,你就是全世界最獨特的存在;對你而言,我也是獨 一無二的⋯⋯」(If you tame me翻譯社 then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.)
4. 「星星之所以美麗,因為有一朵人們看不見的花。戈壁之所以美麗,是因為在某個角落藏著一口井翻譯」(The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen. What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well…)
5. 人們早已忘記了這個事理。可是翻不應該將它遺忘。你必需永遠對自己所馴養的工具負責翻譯(Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You become responsible翻譯社 forever, for what you have tamed.)
6. 「我的玫瑰⋯⋯我必需對她負責。她是這麼懦弱、這麼純摯!她只有四根無用的刺可以珍愛本身、匹敵這個世界⋯⋯」(You know...my flower...I'm responsible for her. And she's so weak. And so naive!She has four ridiculous thorns to defend her against the world...)
7. 「一小我假如讓本身被馴養了,必將會承擔一些飲泣的風險。」(One runs the risk of weeping a little if one allows himself to be tamed.)