目前分類:未分類文章 (1184)
- Jun 22 Thu 2017 06:18
- Jun 22 Thu 2017 03:42
アルルカン (Arlequin)—ダメ人世 (Dame Ningen) English Lyrics ...
- Jun 18 Sun 2017 19:54
追黑心過期蝦味先 全台共下架5280公斤
- Jun 18 Sun 2017 17:59
去國外出差在幹啥? 260名公務員染上性病
- Jun 18 Sun 2017 16:45
體外震波 治足底筋膜炎
- Jun 18 Sun 2017 08:09
語言翻譯語言翻譯公司財務部高雄關電話 (07)8011924.8016511
台灣海關也會在翻譯公司的資料上註記: 攜帶犯禁品入關,往後你進出台灣海關都邑被盤查,十分浪費時候喔!
- Jun 17 Sat 2017 16:30
以後我們將陸續講解→DHCP、IP Address、MAC Address、根基網路指令等部分,敬請等候吧!
- Jun 15 Thu 2017 04:45
「坐下來我聽你說」 警撫慰暴走男
- Jun 11 Sun 2017 06:44
A man between words
- Jun 10 Sat 2017 16:16
王道銀即將上市 4/6先辦事迹揭曉
- Jun 10 Sat 2017 14:27
Prospect of Guo Wengui explosive revelations 郭文贵爆料之前景
- Jun 08 Thu 2017 14:46
- Jun 07 Wed 2017 22:42
- Jun 04 Sun 2017 20:54
[問題] 485
專業英語翻譯語言翻譯公司列位版友,大師好 (此為代PO.) 朋友父親已過世翻譯社 他名子中包含一個”瑞”字翻譯伴侶一直以為他的英文譯名是JUI,所以當初在填寫I-485, G325a和美國的結婚證書中, 填寫的是JUI。 後來,伴侶家人去戶政事務所開立的個人戶籍謄本出證實是RUI,並繳交給移民局。 現在收到RFE節錄以下 A review of your household registration record reveals that your father’s name is Rui. However翻譯社 you indicate in part 3 of application is Jui. Similar翻譯社 the form G325a indicates your father’s first name is Jui. Finally, it is noted that your marriage certificate also identifies your father’s name as Jui.in view of the foregoing, the recorded constitutes a discrepancy regarding your father’s first name. Rui as opposed to Jui Lin. Please explain the discrepancy regarding your father’s name. You must submit any appropriate den documentation to support your assertions (I/e/ copy of your father ‘s passport biographic page or other civil documentation). If your father change his name, you must submit official documentary evidence of the name change. further, if the discrepancy is the result of an error on the household registration record, you must provide a new household registration record with correct information along with a statement from the issuing authority that acknowledges the error and its subsequent correct. If you submit a document in any language other language, it must be completely translated. The translator must certify that he/she is competent to perform the translation and that the translation is accurate. the foreign -language document must be submitted with English translation 目前已到戶政事戶所重新開立一份父親名子為JUI的戶籍謄本. 可是戶政事務所沒辦法提供任何acknowledge the error的文件,只跟萬國翻譯社朋侪說他們是依造函辦理 [本人及相幹親屬之姓名請以護照之英文姓名為第一優先,並請攜帶護照(或護照影本)辦理,若無護照者,以漢語拼音填寫(姓名不屬於本件戶籍謄本文義翻譯之列,如填寫之英文姓名毛病,請重新申請)。] 請問是不是有各位任何方式可以讓戶政事務所開立? 是不是可以請戶政事務所發函給我伴侶申明翻譯原則,然後將之翻譯轉交給移民局? 感謝列位的幫忙!!! -- Sent from my Windows
- Jun 04 Sun 2017 11:59
[諜報] 17w17a
中日翻譯語言翻譯公司https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-17w17a Last week was the last week to introduce new features for 1.12翻譯社 and starting from this week we are focusing on polishing the new features, fixing as many bugs as possible and optimizing the game. Changes in snapshot 17w17a Added lots of new advancements and moved existing ones around Gave terracotta blocks unique colours on the map Tweaks to the difficulty of the Illusioner Reverted the purple skulker colour, sorry about that! New sound effects, including new note blocks notes! Made the tooltips in advancements UI overlay the screen Technical: Added "UpdateLastExecution" nbt tag to command blocks翻譯社 useful for loops Technical: Added bulk-granting/revoking to the /advancement command Technical: Allow advancements to trigger commands as rewards Technical: Optimized the recipe book a little Technical: Advancement icons now allow data values Fixed bug MC-114971 - Missing usage translation for '/advancement test' command Fixed bug MC-114979 - advancement command doesn't allow bulk grant/revoking Fixed bug MC-115056 - "Remote Gateway" advancement cannot be obtained by using ender pearls Fixed bug MC-115170 - Advancements Test Command Success Uses the Wrong Translation Fixed bug MC-115173 - Unsuccessful advancement test command has player and advancement name interchanged Fixed bug MC-115574 - "Sniper Duel" advancement triggered when killing non-skeleton mob at distance Fixed bug MC-115740 - Inconsistent error message for /advancement grant @p * Fixed bug MC-115805 - Fences/panes/walls/bars/torches connect to a number of non-solid blocks Fixed bug MC-115821 - Tooltips with long titles in the advancements menu are cut off Fixed bug MC-115880 - 'Take Aim' advancement granted by projectiles other than arrows Fixed bug MC-115936 - Narrator does not properly read output from /say, /tell and /tellraw command Fixed bug MC-115940 - Division by zero crash with alternating /recipe commands Fixed bug MC-116016 - Advancement "adventure/trade" uses criteria named "shot_arrow" Fixed bug MC-116245 - "Zombie Doctor" advancement description has a period, while others don't Fixed bug MC-116471 - Conditional command blocks SuccessCount doesn't update Fixed bug MC-116514 - "durability" option for item-based triggers succeeds for items without durability Fixed bug MC-116516 - "item_durability_changed" triggers when base change is 0, but not when Unbreaking reduces the change to 0 Fixed bug MC-116617 - New AutoCraft Functionality Allows Spawning Arbitrary Items Fixed bug MC-116650 - Wooden fences connect to nether brick fences Added some new bugs! ----- 成就系統新增&調劑&能用指令全開或開指定項目 彩陶在地圖上有怪異顏色 調劑幻術師難度 把界伏蚌色彩跟地獄柵欄&一般柵欄相黏改回來 一堆新音效: 音階盒部分-金塊鈴聲 不融冰鐘聲 粘土笛聲 羊毛吉他 骨塊木琴聲 其他-終界眼相幹 鸚鵡叫聲 魚竿聲等等 參考: https://redd.it/67odau https://youtu.be/F6hZcRuPq44
- Jun 04 Sun 2017 10:06
[徵才] Language Specialist – Chinese(Taiwan)
艾角語翻譯語言翻譯公司(代PO 請勿回站內信) 詳細徵才資訊/履歷繳交請參考 https://boards.greenhouse.io/agoda/jobs/218283#.V4H6bpN95ju [此職缺位於泰國曼谷市中間的Central world - 請有意願base於曼谷的再應徵喔] [須有copywriting經驗,且須有2年以上工作經驗] ────────────────────────────────────── [必]企業名稱:Agoda Services Co.翻譯社 Ltd. [必]同一編號:公司位於泰國,無台灣統編 [必]負 責 人:Robert Rosenstein [必]地 址:999/9 Rama I Road,The Offices at Central World 27th floor,Patuwan Bangkok [必]電 話:We prefer contact via email [選]傳 真: ────────────────────────────────────── [必]工作類型:筆譯 [必]全/兼職:全職 [必]涉及說話:英文 v.s. 繁體中文(台灣) [必]所屬範疇:旅遊/網路行銷 [必]報酬計算:按公司劃定 - 泰國法規台籍人士最低新資THB 45,000 ────────────────────────────────────── [必]應徵前提: Intro: Our Product Development Department is looking for a Language Specialist, to take ownership of website content in your native language to provide a great experience to local audience. In this role you will be responsible for content translations, localization ideas, making recommendations for the overall look and feel of our products. In addition you will work on targeted strategies to increase Agoda’s brand visibility and optimize marketing efforts in Taiwan market. The Language Specialist will report to our Foreign Language Operations Manager. This position is based in Bangkok翻譯社 Thailand. Qualifications: ‧ Taiwanese only ‧ University or College Degree ‧ At least 2 years full-time work experience翻譯社 preferably in Travel/Advertising/Publishing ‧ Solid Chinese copywriting experience ‧ Good English skills and translation skills ‧ Good internet knowledge and comfortable with research ‧ Strong organizational and time management skills ‧ Able to meet deadlines in a fast paced environment ‧ Excel and basic HTML knowledge is a plus ‧ A good team player with an excellent eye for detail who takes initiative to make things better ‧ PLEASE NOTE: We will only review applications submitted with an English CV ‧ Responsibilities: ‧ Maintain quality of website content translation/localization ‧ Provide localization ideas and add a linguistic perspective to development ‧ Translate English content (site updates, hotel content, press releases翻譯社 travel articles, promotional emails and newsletters) closely following Agoda brand and language guidelines ‧ Recruit, manage and supervise freelancers ‧ Ensure freelance translations meet required quality standards ‧ Conduct website reviews for inconsistencies and localization issues ‧ Analyze language specific data to optimize website and campaign performance ‧ Conduct marketing activities to increase visibility of Agoda and website traffic within the target market ‧ Assist with interdepartmental requests ‧ Ad-hoc administrative duties [必]應徵刻日:徵到為止 [必]聯 絡 人:Zoe [必]聯絡方式:https://boards.greenhouse.io/agoda/jobs/218283#.V4H6bpN95ju ────────────────────────────────────── [選]其他事項: 1. 請務必附上英文履歷,僅遞交中文履歷將視同資曆不符 2. 此職位需長駐曼谷翻譯登科者必須供給至少2年的全職工作經驗證實, 公司會協助辦理泰國工作簽與工作許可證 3. 代PO/站內信不予答複 -- 艾瑞克的LifeBook搬家嘍 http://eric101215.pixnet.net/blog
- Jun 03 Sat 2017 16:51
- Jun 02 Fri 2017 21:03
[新聞] 防彈SUGA《Agust D》'出國競賽'入選美
普什圖語翻譯語言翻譯公司媒體名稱:CJ E&M enewsWorld 新聞貫穿連接:http://m.mwave.interest.me/tw/kpop-news/article/111029/ 記者姓名:CJ E&M enewsWorld Lee Bo Ra(音譯) Translation Credit : 陳玉恬 新聞全文: 防彈SUGA《Agust D》‘出國競賽’ 入選美媒‘年度20大混音帶’ 2016.12.19 17:29 CJ E&M enewsWorld Lee Bo Ra│Translation Credit : 陳玉恬 防彈少年團成員SUGA於8月推出的首張Mixtape《Agust D》,被美國出名音樂媒體FUSE TV 評選為‘年度20大最好混音帶(THE 20 BEST MIXTAPES OF 2016)’之一! FUSE TV在16日(本地時候)公然了他們所評選出的‘2016年度最好混音帶’的前20名,他 們對於SUGA的首張Mixtape《Agust D》做出了具體的評論與介紹,示意:“出道3年多來 ,防彈少年團的成員們不安閑於韓樂音樂市場,透過混音帶挑戰新的主題和音樂翻譯”、“ 在團內負責饒舌的SUGA,透過Mixtape《Agust D》講述他在身為偶像歌手的名望與陰暗的 心裏,創作小我全新的人格面具。” 《Agust D》的MV點閱在YouTube上已沖破1162萬次,可以或許遭到外媒如許的注視,對SUGA來 說真的是相當大的殊榮。 http://upload.enewsworld.net/News/Contents/20161219/11102902.jpg
- Jun 02 Fri 2017 11:43
Charlie Puth CP查理
- May 31 Wed 2017 21:38
Want to lose weight? Plan your lunch at breakfast time-想減重?早